Monday, June 17, 2013

Prayers of the People - Proper 7C

Prayers of the People—Proper 7C

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male or female; for all of us are one in Christ Jesus. Let us pray as one body, saying: “We put our trust in you, O God; Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.”

Send out your light and your truth, that they may lead your people into the joy and gladness we experience at your altar.  And then send us out to shine our light and share our joy.

We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

God our Strength, remember those who feel forgotten, be salvation for those who are being oppressed. Defend the cause of the innocent. Deliver the world from wickedness.

We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

You, O Lord, grant your loving-kindness in the daytime, the night is filled with your songs: We thank you for blessing your creation with your presence in all times and all seasons.

Invite the congregation to add their thanksgivings, followed by Silence
We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

Lord Jesus, break the chains of those held in bondage.  Restore those forgotten by society. May all prisoners and captives, by the power of your love and mercy, have their dignity renewed.

We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

We pray for those weighed down by heavy souls. We pray for those who feel like they are in over their heads. And for the disquieted. And for the ill.
Invite the congregation to add their petitions, followed by Silence

We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

O God, in Christ Jesus you have made us your children. We pray for the dying and the dead. Bring them into your heavenly dwelling where they may be at home with you forever.

We put our trust in you, O God;
Hear us; answer us; and send us forth.

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