Thursday, December 29, 2011

Prayers of the People: Holy Name

Prayers of the People—Holy Name

Sisters and brothers, let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.  With humble hearts let us say to the Lord: “Lord Jesus, we bow our hearts at your name.”

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless your Church. Inspire us by the Holy Spirit to confess you as Lord over all we do and hope to do.
Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless the people of the world. May the whole world experience your peace.
Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless our planet.  May we be faithful stewards of all the works of your fingers. Forgive us when we fail to respect your creatures: the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea.
Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless Toledo and our region. Send us into this new year with renewed hope and purpose.
Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless the sick and the lonely and all those in great need. Make your face to shine on them and be gracious to them.

Allow the congregation to add their petitions and thanksgivings, followed by Silence

Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.

Jesus, we exalt your name in all the world! Bless the dying and the dead. We praise you that through your death on the cross you have earned for us everlasting life.
Lord Jesus,
we bow our hearts at your name.


  1. Creating our own prayers of the people weekly is a very well received practice at St. George's -- really makes liturgy live (if done with thought)-- compared with the same Prayer Book options week after week. GKS

  2. I think, too, that to weave phrases from hymns sung or about to be sung,into the PoPs, as Fr. Jeremiah frequently has, brings imagination, familiarity and unified purpose to the liturgy.
