Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prayers of the People: Christ the King A

Prayers of the People—Christ the King A

Serve the LORD with gladness and come before God’s presence with a song.  Let us pray together saying, “We give you thanks, O Lord; and call upon your Name.”

Christ the King, you have been made head over all things for the Church: May we worthily live as your body in our world.  Work your great power in and through us.
We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

Christ the King, you gather all the nations of the world to yourself: Bless the world’s suffering with your everlasting mercy.  May the oppressed be fed with your justice.
We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

Christ the King, it is from your hand that all our fed: Inspire righteousness in all people that the hungry may be fed and the thirsty given clean water to drink.
We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

Christ the King, you care for those in prison: Give us hearts for all those who are incarcerated. Where there is crime and violence in our city, offer your peace.
We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

Christ the King, you are good: We pray you seek the lost, bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.

Allow the congregation to add their petitions and thanksgivings, followed by Silence

We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

Christ the King, your faithfulness endures from age to age: May all your saints, at work and at rest, know the hope to which you have called us and the riches of your glorious inheritance.
We give you thanks, O Lord;
and call upon your Name.

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