Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prayers of the People: Proper 13A

Prayers of the People—Proper 13A

Sisters and brothers, God our Savior is our refuge!  So let us pray to God saying, “Incline your ear to us; Hear our words.”

God our Savior, show us your face.  May your Church be satisfied in your presence.  May you reveal to us your ways so that we might walk in the light of your truth.
Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

O God, your eyes are fixed on justice.  We pray for all victims of war and violence and famine.  Give heed to the cries of those in need throughout the world.
Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

God of Abundance, you have blessed the Earth to bring forth plenty.  May we recognize the abundance in our own lives and so that those with little may also have their fill.
Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

O God, have compassion on the people of our region.  Show us your marvelous loving-kindness so that our fears may be replaced with trust in your goodness.
Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

God of Blessing, we call upon you, for you answer us in our need.  We pray this day for all those desperate for your blessing.  Moved by compassion, heal the sick and suffering ones we hold in our hearts this day.

Allow the congregation to add their petitions and thanksgivings, followed by Silence

Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

God our Vindicator, justify the dead through the mercy of your Messiah.  We pray that in the fullness of time, they may awake, beholding your likeness.
Incline your ear to us;
Hear our words.

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